
SynergyCP RWhois Package #

About #

The RWhois package adds a frontend to SynergyCP that allows Administrators and Clients to publish RWhois data about their IPs.

Setting up RWhois #

The RWhois package requires installation of the RWhois server. This can be done on the main SynergyCP server, a file server, or on any Debian server. We recommend keeping the RWhois server on the same premises as the main SynergyCP instance as the RWhois server will be querying the SynergyCP API for RWhois results.

As root user (or add “sudo” before “bash” if running as a sudo user):

curl -sSo /tmp/
bash /tmp/

Setting up the Package on SynergyCP #

  1. Install the RWhois package in SynergyCP.

  2. Configure the package at System > Settings > RWhois tab.

  3. Make sure it works:

    whois -p4321 -h $RWHOIS_SERVER_IP $TEST_IP